Promoting work safety culture on a national scale

5 events in the main Italian cities and a free online guide

Supporting migrants employed in domestic and care work


The Api-Colf Migrantes Foundation Project for Safety in Domestic Work aims to reaffirm the fundamental rights of male and female workers, in order to improve their quality of life and awareness, to spread practices that minimize the risk of accidents, and to attract the interest of public opinion and of institutional decision-makers.

The widest distribution of the message will be ensured through the promotion of courses and events, sending newsletters to the databases of the promoting entities, online channels and press office activities.

What risks are associated with domestic works?

Domestic workers and caregivers are exposed to potential risks that cannot be ignored. These health and safety risks are thoroughly addressed in our courses held in the main Italian cities and in our free digital guide, full of practical indications for prevention.

Safety risks

Things to do and things not to do.

Electrical hazard, Gas system, Fire and heat.

Health risks

How to prevent injuries and illnesses.

Falls, Cuts and Abrasions, Risk from handling loads and posture, Chemical Risk, Biological Risk.


Activate healthcare service support.

Healthcare, Fire Brigade, Police, Carabinieri number 112.


Free courses, with technical and legislative guidelines, and a Certificate of Participation

Rights and duties in domestic work: workers’ responsibility towards people and the household. Identifying and preventing risks, ensuring safe equipment use.

May 11

Via del Mortaro, 24

May 25

Parrocchia San Giovanni In Laterano Via Pinturicchio 35

Turin September 21

Via San Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo, 24/bis

September 28

Via Vico dei Venti, 4

Palermo October 19

Casa San Francesco Vicolo Infermeria dei Cappuccini, 3

The free courses are currently closed. Do you want to stay updated on the next dates?


Safety in Domestic and care work

An Api-Colf project, supported by the Migrantes Foundation and the 8xmille of the Catholic Church.

The Api-Colf Association, established in 1971, is a Christian Social Movement for Domestic Workers that promotes the professionalization of personal service work. It aims to develop values such as humanity, skill enhancement, and responsibility, all inspired by freedom and dignity.

The Migrantes Foundation, established in 1987, is a pastoral body of the Italian Episcopal Conference dedicated to supporting immigrants, migrants, and refugees. Its mission is to foster a culture of hospitality within Christian communities, promoting the value and the appreciation of diverse identities to enhance peaceful coexistence.

The 8xmille funds to the Catholic Church enable the implementation of thousands of projects both in Italy and globally each year. These initiatives aim to support the most vulnerable and those facing difficulties. The funds are allocated towards meeting the worship needs of the population, providing for the clergy’s sustenance, and conducting charitable activities that benefit both the national community and Third World countries.”


Get the Free Guide for Safety in domestic and care Work.

A useful and effective digital handbook, easy to read on the smartphone, to understand the types of risks and get practical guidance for prevention.

The guide is available in the following languages:


Recipients of the initiative

Foreign nationality workers employed in the domestic and care services sector. A minimum age of 18 is required to participate.


How to partecipate

Read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions. For more information you can be contacted by filling in the registration form or by contacting API-Colf by phone or email.

Simply fill in the form with the few data required to get the Free Guide in digital format and to get information on how to participate in the events scheduled in the main Italian cities.

All activities are completely free for the project recipients. The limited in-person courses are free and the Guide to Safety in domestic and care Work is free, available in 5 languages.

The data will be managed for organizational purposes exlusively by Api-Colf and will not be shared with any third party, either private or institutional. Following will be sent information on other training and support activities, always with a view to inclusion and protection of rights.


By downloading the Free Guide you can get information on Courses and guidance on how to participate. Enter your contact details and choose the guide version according to your language.

Follow us on Facebook

National Headquarters Api-Colf

Via Urbano II n. 41/a, 00167 Roma

Tel: 06.6629378



Electrical risk

Gas system



Cuts and Abrasions

Risk from handling loads and posture

Chemical Risk

Biological Risk

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